How Much Do Tickets Cost for Shows at Arts Venues in Austin, Texas?

Are you planning to attend a show at one of the arts venues in Austin, Texas? The cost of tickets will vary depending on the type of show and the size of your group. Individual tickets will be available at a later date. To stay informed about when individual tickets become available, join our email list. If you're attending with a group, you can take advantage of discounts.

Groups of 10 or more people will receive a 20% discount on tickets, and groups of 15 or more people will get an extra free ticket for every 15 tickets purchased. Austin locals say that this is one of the best live entertainment venues in the city. To get even more benefits on show nights, consider becoming a Texas Inner Circle member. This package includes a tax-deductible contribution to Texas Performing Arts that helps bring the best live shows from around the world to Austin.

Diane Willibrand
Diane Willibrand

Extreme zombie aficionado. Professional web buff. Incurable introvert. General music expert. Hipster-friendly zombieaholic. Passionate coffee nerd.